Grilling Techniques

Why Olive Oil is the Perfect Choice for Grilling Steak

Why do You Put Olive Oil Over a Steak Before Grilling it

If you’re a fan of grilling steak, you’ve probably heard of the practice of brushing olive oil over the meat before cooking. But why do people do this, and is it really necessary? The short answer is that yes, using olive oil on your steak before grilling can enhance the flavor and texture of the meat, as well as help prevent sticking to the grill.

One of the primary benefits of brushing olive oil over your steak is that it helps to lock in moisture and flavor. When you grill a steak, the high heat can cause the meat to dry out, leading to a tough, chewy texture. By coating the steak in oil before grilling, you can help to seal in the juices and keep the meat tender and flavorful.

In addition to improving the taste and texture of your steak, using olive oil can also help to prevent sticking to the grill grates. When meat sticks to the grill, it can be difficult to remove and can even tear the meat apart.

By brushing olive oil over the surface of the steak, you can create a barrier that helps to prevent sticking and ensures that your steak cooks evenly and thoroughly.

The Purpose of Olive Oil on Steak

When it comes to grilling steak, there are many ways to prepare the meat for the grill. One popular method is to apply olive oil to the steak before grilling.

This technique has been used by chefs and home cooks alike for years, but what is the purpose of olive oil on steak? In this section, we will explore the reasons why olive oil is a great addition to your steak grilling routine.

Creating a Crust

One of the main reasons to apply olive oil to your steak before grilling is to help create a delicious, crispy crust. When you apply a thin layer of oil to the meat, it helps to prevent the steak from sticking to the grill grates. This allows the meat to sear evenly, creating a beautiful crust that locks in the juices and flavor of the steak.

Another benefit of using olive oil is that it has a high smoke point, which means it can withstand high temperatures without burning.

This is important when grilling steak, as you want to cook the meat at a high temperature to create that crusty exterior without overcooking the interior.

Enhancing Flavor

Not only does olive oil help to create a crispy crust on your steak, but it can also enhance the flavor of the meat. Olive oil has a mild, fruity flavor that complements the natural taste of beef.

When you apply olive oil to your steak before grilling, it helps to infuse the meat with that flavor, making each bite more delicious.

Additionally, olive oil can help to keep your steak moist and tender. By adding a layer of oil to the meat, it helps to seal in the juices, preventing the steak from drying out during the grilling process. This results in a juicy, flavorful steak that is sure to impress your guests.

Choosing the Right Olive Oil

Choosing the right olive oil is crucial when it comes to grilling a steak. Here are some types of olive oil to consider:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality olive oil you can get. It is made from pure, cold-pressed olives, whereas other types of olive oil may use chemicals or heat in the extraction process.

Extra virgin olive oil has a fruity, slightly bitter taste and is perfect for drizzling over a steak after it’s cooked. However, it has a low smoke point, which makes it unsuitable for high-heat cooking methods like grilling.

Virgin Olive Oil

Virgin olive oil is also made from pure, cold-pressed olives, but it has a slightly lower quality than extra virgin olive oil. It has a mild flavor and a higher smoke point than extra virgin olive oil, making it a good choice for grilling a steak. However, it may not have the same health benefits as extra virgin olive oil.

Pure Olive Oil

Pure olive oil is a blend of cold-pressed and processed oils. It has a mild flavor and a higher smoke point than extra virgin olive oil, but it may not have the same health benefits as extra virgin olive oil. It is a good choice for grilling a steak, but it may not have the same flavor as extra virgin or virgin olive oil.

When choosing an olive oil for grilling a steak, look for one with a high smoke point, mild flavor, and good quality. Consider using a blend of different types of olive oil to get the best flavor and health benefits.

How to Apply Olive Oil to Steak


Before you apply olive oil to your steak, make sure that your steak is at room temperature. This will allow the steak to cook evenly. You can also marinate your steak with salt to enhance its flavor. Be sure to use a coarse salt, like kosher salt, to season your steak.

Next, prepare your olive oil. You don’t need a lot of olive oil to cook steak. A tablespoon or two should be enough to lubricate the steak and help it cook evenly. Use a high-quality olive oil for the best flavor.


There are a few ways to apply olive oil to your steak. You can brush the oil onto the steak using a pastry brush or you can drizzle it directly onto the steak. Be sure to apply the oil evenly on both sides of the steak.

If you’re using a brush, dip the brush into the oil and apply it to the steak in long strokes. Make sure that the oil covers the entire surface of the steak. If you’re drizzling the oil, pour it over the steak and use your hands to spread it evenly.

After you’ve applied the olive oil, season the steak with salt and pepper. You can also add other spices, like garlic or rosemary, to enhance the flavor of the steak.

Once the steak is seasoned, it’s ready to be grilled. Be sure to preheat your grill before adding the steak. Cook the steak to your desired level of doneness and enjoy!

Benefits of Olive Oil

When it comes to grilling steak, there are many different methods and techniques to achieve the perfect flavor and texture. One popular technique is to use olive oil as a coating for the steak before grilling. Here are some benefits of using olive oil on your steak:

Health Benefits

Using olive oil on your steak can have some health benefits. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which can help to reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood.

It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

Flavor Benefits

Not only does olive oil have health benefits, but it can also add some delicious flavor to your steak. When you cook steak in olive oil, it helps to lock in the flavors of the meat, creating a rich and savory taste.

Additionally, the oil helps to prevent the steak from sticking to the grill, which can cause it to lose some of its flavor and texture.

Overall, using olive oil on your steak can be a healthy and flavorful way to enhance your grilling experience. Just be sure to choose a high-quality oil with a high smoke point to ensure that it doesn’t burn or smoke too much during cooking.

Alternatives to Olive Oil

While olive oil is a popular choice for coating a steak before grilling, there are other options you can consider if you don’t have olive oil on hand or if you’re looking for a different flavor profile. Here are a few alternatives to olive oil:


Butter is a classic choice for coating a steak before grilling. It adds a rich, creamy flavor to the meat and helps it develop a nice crust.

However, butter has a lower smoke point than olive oil, so you’ll need to be careful not to let it burn. To use butter on your steak, simply melt a few tablespoons in a pan and brush it over the meat before grilling.

Other Oils

There are many other oils you can use to coat your steak before grilling, each with its own unique flavor profile. Here are a few options:

  • Peanut oil: Peanut oil has a high smoke point and a nutty flavor that pairs well with beef.
  • Canola oil: Canola oil is a neutral-tasting oil that won’t overpower the flavor of the steak.
  • Grapeseed oil: Grapeseed oil has a high smoke point and a light, neutral flavor that won’t mask the taste of the meat.

When using any of these oils, be sure to brush a thin layer over the steak before grilling. Too much oil can cause flare-ups on the grill and make the meat taste greasy.


When it comes to grilling steak, applying olive oil to the meat before cooking can be a great way to enhance the flavor and texture of your meal.

By creating a barrier between the heat of the grill and the meat, olive oil can help to prevent sticking and ensure that your steak is cooked to perfection.

Additionally, the oil can help to hold in the moisture of the steak, resulting in a juicier, more tender cut of meat. This is especially important when grilling leaner cuts of steak, which can easily dry out and become tough if not cooked properly.

While some people may be concerned about the smoke point of olive oil or the potential for off-flavors, these issues can be easily mitigated by using a high-quality oil and applying it sparingly.

Ultimately, the decision to use olive oil on your steak before grilling is a matter of personal preference, but it is certainly worth considering if you want to take your grilling game to the next level.