
Boiling Sausage Before Grilling: Does It Improve the Taste?

Boiling Sausage Before Grilling

If you’re planning to grill Italian sausage, you may be wondering if you should boil them first. Boiling sausage before grilling can be a great way to ensure that the sausage is cooked through and juicy.

Boiling sausages before grilling allows all the juices to stay on the inside while the casing gets brown and crispy on the grill. This method also helps to prevent the casing from splitting open, which can cause the juices to escape and the sausage to dry out.

However, boiling sausage before grilling is not necessary. Many people prefer to grill their sausages from raw, as long as they reach a safe internal temperature of at least 160F.

Grilling raw sausage can be a great way to get a crispy exterior and a juicy interior. Ultimately, the decision to boil sausage before grilling is a personal preference, and depends on your desired texture and flavor.

Why Boil Sausage Before Grilling?

If you’re a fan of grilled sausages, you may have heard of boiling them before grilling. This may seem like an unnecessary extra step, but there are actually a few good reasons why you should consider boiling your sausages before throwing them on the grill.

Improves Texture

Boiling your sausages before grilling can help improve their texture. When you boil the sausages, the heat penetrates the meat evenly and slowly, which helps prevent them from bursting open on the grill. This also helps to keep the sausages moist and juicy, rather than dry and tough.

Additionally, boiling the sausages can help to remove excess fat, which can also contribute to a better texture. When sausages are grilled directly on the grill, the fat can drip out and cause flare-ups, which can burn the sausages and make them dry and tough. By boiling them first, you can remove some of the excess fat, which can help to prevent this from happening.

Removes Excess Fat

As mentioned above, boiling your sausages before grilling can help to remove excess fat. This is because when you boil the sausages, the fat is rendered out and can be discarded. This can help to make the sausages healthier, as well as improve their flavor and texture.

However, it’s important to note that not all sausages are created equal. Some sausages are naturally leaner than others, so boiling them may not be necessary.

Additionally, some sausages may be precooked, so boiling them may not be necessary either. Be sure to read the label and follow the cooking instructions carefully to ensure that you’re getting the best results.

How to Boil Sausage Before Grilling

Selecting the Right Sausage

Before you start boiling your sausages, it is important to choose the right type of sausage. Italian sausages are a popular choice, but you can also use bratwurst, chorizo, or any other type of sausage that you prefer. Make sure that you choose sausages that are uncooked, as pre-cooked sausages do not need to be boiled before grilling.

Boiling the Sausage

To boil your sausages, start by pricking each sausage a few times on each side with a skewer. This will help the sausages cook evenly and prevent them from bursting. Next, fill a pot with enough water to cover the sausages completely.

If you want to add flavor, you can also add onions, garlic, or herbs to the water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer and add the sausages to the pot. Allow the sausages to simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until they are fully cooked.

Grilling the Sausage

Once your sausages are fully cooked, it’s time to grill them. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat, then place the sausages on the grill.

Grill the sausages for 3-5 minutes per side, or until they are browned and crispy. Make sure to turn the sausages frequently to prevent them from burning.

To serve, you can place the sausages in buns and add your favorite toppings, such as mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, or onions. Alternatively, you can serve the sausages on their own with a side of potato salad or coleslaw.

Remember, boiling your sausages before grilling is a great way to ensure that they are fully cooked and juicy. With these simple steps, you can enjoy delicious grilled sausages that are sure to impress your friends and family.

How Long Should You Boil Sausage Before Grilling?

If you want to ensure that your sausages are cooked all the way through before you grill them, boiling them beforehand is a great option. Boiling sausage before grilling can also help to reduce the risk of flare-ups on the grill, which can be dangerous.

So, how long should you boil sausage before grilling? In general, you should aim to boil your sausages for around 10 minutes. This should be long enough to cook them through without overcooking them or causing them to split open.

However, it’s important to keep an eye on the temperature of your sausages as you boil them. You want to make sure that they reach an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit to kill any harmful bacteria that may be present.

If you’re not sure whether your sausages are cooked all the way through, you can use a meat thermometer to check their internal temperature. Simply insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the sausage and wait for the reading to stabilize.

Once your sausages are finished boiling, you can remove them from the pot and let them cool for a few minutes before grilling them.

This will help to prevent them from sticking to the grill and will also give you a chance to brush them with any marinade or seasoning you’d like to use.

Overall, boiling sausage before grilling is a great way to ensure that your sausages are cooked all the way through and to reduce the risk of flare-ups on the grill.

Just be sure to keep an eye on the temperature of your sausages and to remove them from the pot as soon as they’re cooked through.

Tips for Boiling Sausage Before Grilling

Boiling sausage before grilling can help ensure that it cooks evenly and thoroughly. However, there are a few tips you should keep in mind to ensure that your sausages turn out delicious and flavorful.

Adding Flavor to the Boiling Water

If you want to add some extra flavor to your sausages, consider adding some herbs, spices, or other ingredients to the boiling water. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add a few bay leaves, some peppercorns, and a sliced onion to the water for a classic flavor.
  • Try adding a splash of beer or wine to the water for a unique twist.
  • Add some garlic, rosemary, and thyme to the water for a Mediterranean-inspired flavor.

Preventing the Sausage from Bursting

One of the biggest challenges when boiling sausage is preventing the casing from bursting. Here are a few tips to help:

  • Prick the sausages with a fork before boiling to release some of the steam and prevent the casing from bursting.
  • Start with cold water and gradually bring it to a simmer to prevent the casing from expanding too quickly.
  • Don’t overcrowd the pot. Make sure there is enough room for the sausages to move around and cook evenly.

Ensuring Even Cooking

To ensure that your sausages cook evenly, follow these tips:

  • Make sure the sausages are fully submerged in the water.
  • Simmer the sausages gently, rather than boiling them vigorously, to prevent them from overcooking on the outside and undercooking on the inside.
  • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the sausages. They should reach a temperature of at least 160°F (71°C) before grilling.


Boiling sausage before grilling can be a great way to ensure that your sausage is cooked through without burning or drying out. It can also help to enhance the flavor of the sausage by allowing it to absorb other liquids or seasonings.

When boiling sausage, it is important to make sure that you do not overcook it. Overcooking can cause the sausage to become dry and tough, which can ruin the flavor and texture. It is also important to make sure that you use the right ratio of liquid to sausage, and that you add any seasonings or other ingredients that you want to infuse into the sausage.

Overall, boiling sausage before grilling can be a great way to ensure that your sausage is cooked perfectly and packed with flavor. Whether you are grilling up some classic bratwursts or experimenting with new recipes, boiling can be a useful technique to have in your arsenal.