
Grilling Frozen Brats: Why it’s a Great Option for Perfectly Cooked Sausages

Grilling Frozen Brats

Picture this: it’s a beautiful summer day, and you’re ready to fire up the grill for a delicious backyard BBQ. But wait, you forgot to thaw your bratwurst! Don’t panic, because grilling frozen brats is possible. However, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that your brats are cooked to perfection.

In this article, we’ll explore the do’s and don’ts of grilling frozen brats, provide tips on how to properly thaw them, and share some mouth-watering recipes to try.

Whether you’re a grilling pro or a novice cook, get ready to learn everything you need to know about grilling frozen brats and impress your guests with your grilling skills.

Benefits of Grilling Frozen Brats

Saves Time

One of the biggest advantages of grilling frozen brats is that it can save you time. If you’re like most people, you don’t always have the luxury of planning ahead and thawing out your meat in advance.

But with frozen brats, you can skip the thawing step altogether and go straight to grilling. This can be a huge time saver, especially if you’re pressed for time or need to get dinner on the table quickly.

Another benefit of grilling frozen brats is that they typically cook faster than thawed brats. Because the frozen meat is denser and colder, it takes longer for heat to penetrate to the center. This means that the outside of the brat will cook quickly, while the inside will still be raw.

But once the heat does reach the center, the brat will cook through rapidly. This means that you can have perfectly cooked brats in less time than it would take to thaw and cook them.

Easier to Handle

In addition to saving time, grilling frozen brats can also be easier to handle. When you’re working with thawed meat, it can be tricky to keep it from falling apart on the grill.

But with frozen brats, you don’t have to worry about this as much. The meat is firmer and holds its shape better, which means that it’s less likely to fall apart or break while you’re cooking.

Another advantage of grilling frozen brats is that they’re less likely to stick to the grill grates. When meat is thawed, it can release moisture as it cooks, which can cause it to stick to the grill.

But because frozen brats are denser and have less moisture, they’re less likely to stick. This means that you can spend less time scraping stuck-on meat off the grill grates and more time enjoying your meal.

Preparing Frozen Brats for Grilling

Grilling frozen brats is a great way to enjoy a delicious meal without having to thaw your meat ahead of time. But before you fire up the grill, it’s important to know how to prepare your frozen brats for cooking.

This section will cover two distinct techniques for grilling frozen brats: the direct heat method and the indirect heat method.

Direct Heat Method

The direct heat method is a simple and straightforward way to grill frozen brats. This method involves placing the brats directly over the heat source and cooking them until they’re browned and cooked through.

To use the direct heat method for grilling frozen brats, follow these steps:

  1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
  2. Place your frozen brats directly on the grill grates.
  3. Cook the brats for 10-12 minutes, turning them occasionally, until they’re browned and cooked through.
  4. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the brats. They should reach a temperature of 160°F before they’re ready to serve.

The direct heat method is a great option for grilling frozen brats when you’re short on time or want a quick and easy meal. Just remember to keep an eye on the brats to ensure that they don’t burn, and use a meat thermometer to ensure that they’re cooked through.

Indirect Heat Method

The indirect heat method is a bit more involved than the direct heat method, but it can result in juicier and more flavorful brats. This method involves placing the brats on the cooler side of the grill and cooking them slowly over indirect heat.

To use the indirect heat method for grilling frozen brats, follow these steps:

  1. Preheat your grill to medium heat.
  2. Place your frozen brats on the cooler side of the grill, away from the direct heat source.
  3. Close the lid of your grill and cook the brats for 20-25 minutes, turning them occasionally, until they’re browned and cooked through.
  4. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the brats. They should reach a temperature of 160°F before they’re ready to serve.

The indirect heat method can take a bit longer than the direct heat method, but it can result in brats that are juicier and more flavorful. Just make sure to keep the lid of your grill closed to maintain a consistent temperature, and turn the brats occasionally to ensure even cooking.

Tips for Perfectly Grilled Frozen Brats

Grilling frozen brats is a convenient and delicious way to enjoy a classic summer meal. But to ensure that your brats are perfectly cooked and full of flavor, there are a few key tips and techniques that you should keep in mind.

Temperature Control

One of the most important factors for grilling frozen brats is temperature control. It’s important to maintain a consistent temperature to ensure that your brats cook evenly.

For the direct heat method, preheat your grill to medium-high heat before placing your frozen brats on the grill. Keep the lid closed as much as possible to maintain a consistent temperature, and adjust the heat as needed to prevent the brats from burning.

For the indirect heat method, preheat your grill to medium heat before placing your frozen brats on the cooler side of the grill. Again, keep the lid closed as much as possible to maintain a consistent temperature, and adjust the heat as needed to ensure even cooking.

Cooking Time

Another important factor to consider when grilling frozen brats is cooking time. While cooking times can vary depending on your grill and the size of your brats, a general guideline is to cook the brats for 10-12 minutes for the direct heat method and 20-25 minutes for the indirect heat method.

It’s also important to turn your brats occasionally to ensure even cooking. Use tongs to gently turn the brats over every few minutes, taking care not to pierce the skin or let the juices escape.

Resting Time

After your brats are finished cooking, it’s important to let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute and ensures that your brats are juicy and flavorful.

Remove your brats from the grill and let them rest on a clean plate or cutting board for 5-10 minutes before serving. This will give you time to prepare any sides or toppings you plan to serve with your brats, and ensure that your meal is perfectly timed and delicious.


Grilling frozen brats might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re planning a cookout, but it’s definitely worth considering. Whether you’re short on time or just looking for an easier way to handle your meat on the grill, grilling frozen brats can be a great option. They’re easy to cook, quick to prepare, and packed with flavor.

So next time you’re planning a cookout, consider grilling frozen brats. You might just be surprised at how easy and delicious they are. Happy grilling!