Grilling Techniques

How Long to Grill Steak at 350: A Comprehensive Guide

How Long to Grill Steak at 350

Are you tired of overcooking or undercooking your steak on the grill? Do you find yourself constantly guessing how long to leave your steak on the heat? Look no further, because in this article, we’ll be discussing the ultimate guide on how long to grill steak at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Whether you prefer your steak rare, medium-rare, or well-done, we’ve got you covered. With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll be able to achieve a perfectly grilled steak every time. Get ready to impress your family and friends at your next barbecue with the juiciest, most flavorful steak they’ve ever tasted!

How Long to Grill Steak at 350

The cooking time of steak grilled at 350 degrees Fahrenheit is influenced by several factors, such as the steak’s thickness, the preferred level of doneness, and the type of steak being cooked.

Generally, a 1-inch thick steak will take about 12-14 minutes to cook to medium-rare, while a 2-inch thick steak will take closer to 20-25 minutes.

However, it is important to note that these are just estimates and that the best way to determine when a steak is done is by using a meat thermometer.

The Basics of Grilling Steak

Grilling steak is a delicious and popular way to cook this classic favorite. However, it can be intimidating for beginners. Here are a few basic tips to help you get started:

Preparing the Steak

Before grilling, it is important to prepare the steak properly. Start by selecting a high-quality cut of meat. Look for marbling throughout the steak, which will add flavor and tenderness.

Allow the steak to rest at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes before grilling by taking it out of the refrigerator. This will promote even cooking of the steak.

Next, season the steak with salt and pepper. You can also add other seasonings, such as garlic or rosemary, if desired. Rub the seasonings into the steak and let it sit for a few minutes before grilling.

Setting Up the Grill

Proper setup of the grill is crucial when grilling steak. Begin by preheating the grill to 350°F. For a gas grill, turn on all burners to high heat. For a charcoal grill, ignite the charcoal and let it burn until the coals are coated with a thin layer of ash.

Next, clean the grill grates with a wire brush to remove any debris. This will help prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.

Finally, oil the grill grates with a high smoke point oil, such as canola or vegetable oil. This will also help prevent sticking and add flavor to the steak.

Grilling Steak at 350 Degrees Fahrenheit

Determining the Thickness of the Steak

Before grilling a steak, it is important to determine its thickness. This can be done using a ruler or a meat thermometer. If using a ruler, measure the steak from the top to the bottom. If using a meat thermometer, insert it into the thickest part of the steak.

Calculating Cooking Time

Once the thickness of the steak is determined, the cooking time can be calculated. As a general rule of thumb, it takes about 6-7 minutes per side to cook a 1-inch thick steak at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. For a medium-rare steak, cook for 6 minutes on each side. For a medium steak, cook for 7 minutes on each side.

Preparing the Steak for Grilling

Before grilling the steak, it is important to season it with salt and pepper. This can be done right before grilling or up to an hour in advance.

Grilling the Steak

After seasoning the steak and letting it reach room temperature, it’s time to grill. Preheat the grill to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place the steak on the grates. Cook the steak for the estimated time, flipping it once halfway through.

Verify the desired internal temperature with a meat thermometer. For a medium-rare steak, the internal temperature should be 135 degrees Fahrenheit, and for a medium steak, the internal temperature should be 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Checking for Doneness

Grilling steak to the perfect temperature is essential for a delicious meal. Here are two methods to check for doneness:

Using a Meat Thermometer

The most dependable approach to determine whether the steak is cooked to your desired level of doneness is to use a meat thermometer.

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak, ensuring that it does not touch any bone or fat, and check the temperature reading:

Doneness Temperature (F)
Rare 120-130
Medium Rare 130-135
Medium 135-145
Medium Well 145-155
Well Done 155+

Using the Touch Test

If you don’t have a meat thermometer, you can use the touch test to check for doneness. Gently press the center of the steak with your finger:

  • Rare: The steak will feel soft and squishy, and your finger will leave an indentation that quickly disappears.
  • Medium Rare: The steak will feel slightly firm and your finger will leave an indentation that disappears after a few seconds.
  • Medium: The steak will feel firm and your finger will leave an indentation that disappears after about 5 seconds.
  • Medium Well: The steak will feel very firm and your finger will leave an indentation that disappears after about 10 seconds.
  • Well Done: The steak will feel hard and your finger will leave an indentation that doesn’t disappear.

By using either of these methods, you can ensure that your steak is cooked to perfection.

Resting and Serving the Steak

Once the steak is cooked to the desired temperature, it is crucial to let it rest before serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak. A good rule of thumb is to let the steak rest for about 5-10 minutes, depending on its thickness.

During the resting period, it is recommended to tent the steak with foil to keep it warm. This will also prevent the steak from drying out as it rests. After the resting period, remove the foil and serve the steak immediately.

When serving the steak, it is important to slice it against the grain. This will make the steak more tender and easier to chew. It is also recommended to season the steak with salt and pepper before serving, and to add a pat of butter on top for extra flavor.


Grilling steak is a popular cooking method that is enjoyed by many people. To get the perfect steak, it is important to pay attention to the temperature and cooking time.

At 350 degrees Fahrenheit, the cooking time for steak depends on the thickness and cut of the meat. A 1-inch-thick steak will take approximately 10-12 minutes to cook to medium-rare, while a 1 1/2-inch-thick steak will take around 14-16 minutes.

Overall, grilling steak at 350 degrees Fahrenheit is a great way to get a delicious and juicy steak. With the right cooking time and temperature, anyone can master the art of grilling steak to perfection.

It is important to let the steak rest for a few minutes after it has been removed from the grill in order to allow the juices to redistribute and the steak to finish cooking. With these tips in mind, anyone can grill a delicious steak at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.