Grilling Techniques

Top Alternatives for Grilling Chicken: Delicious and Healthy Options

Alternatives for Grilling Chicken

Grilling chicken is a popular and delicious way to cook chicken, but it’s not the only way. There are plenty of alternatives to grilling chicken that can give you the same great taste and texture without having to stand outside in front of a hot grill. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best alternatives to grilling chicken that you can try at home.

Using a Grill Pan

A grill pan is a great option for those who want to achieve a similar flavor and texture to grilled chicken without actually grilling. A grill pan is a heavy, often cast iron pan that has raised ridges on the cooking surface, which mimic the marks left by a grill.

To use a grill pan, preheat it over medium-high heat and lightly oil the surface. Then, place your chicken on the pan and cook until the underside is golden brown and has grill marks, usually about 5-6 minutes. Flip the chicken and repeat on the other side until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.

One advantage of using a grill pan is that it can be used indoors, which is great for those who live in apartments or have limited outdoor space.

Additionally, it allows for better control over the cooking temperature and prevents flare-ups that can occur on a traditional grill.

However, it’s important to note that a grill pan may not provide the same smoky flavor that comes with grilling, so consider adding a bit of liquid smoke or smoked paprika to your seasoning blend to enhance the flavor.

Using a Broiler Pan

A broiler pan is another alternative to grilling chicken that can be used indoors. A broiler pan is a two-piece pan that has a slotted top and a solid bottom.

To use a broiler pan, preheat your broiler on high and place the chicken on the slotted top. The slotted top allows the juices to drip down onto the solid bottom, which prevents the chicken from sitting in its own juices and becoming soggy. Broil the chicken until it’s cooked through, usually about 5-6 minutes per side.

One advantage of using a broiler pan is that it’s a quick cooking method that yields crispy skin and juicy meat. However, it’s important to keep a close eye on the chicken while it’s broiling, as it can burn quickly if left unattended.

Additionally, a broiler may not provide the same smoky flavor as grilling, so consider using a seasoning blend with smoked paprika or liquid smoke to enhance the flavor.

Using a Broiler

Using a broiler without a broiler pan is another alternative for grilling chicken indoors. To use a broiler without a broiler pan, preheat your broiler on high and place the chicken on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Broil the chicken until it’s cooked through, usually about 5-6 minutes per side.

One advantage of using a broiler without a broiler pan is that it’s a quick and easy method that doesn’t require any special equipment. However, it’s important to keep a close eye on the chicken while it’s broiling, as it can burn quickly if left unattended.

Additionally, a broiler may not provide the same smoky flavor as grilling, so consider using a seasoning blend with smoked paprika or liquid smoke to enhance the flavor.

Other Cooking Methods

There are other plenty of alternatives to grilling chicken that are just as tasty and easy to make. Here are some cooking methods and techniques to try:


Baking is a great alternative to grilling chicken because it’s easy and hands-off. To bake chicken, preheat your oven to 375°F, place the chicken on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. You can season the chicken with your favorite herbs and spices, or marinate it beforehand for extra flavor.

One of the advantages of baking chicken is that it’s a low-maintenance cooking method that doesn’t require constant monitoring or flipping.

Baking also creates a crispy skin that many people love, and it’s easy to cook large batches of chicken at once, which makes it great for meal prep.

Additionally, baking chicken is a healthier alternative to grilling, as it doesn’t expose the meat to the smoke and carcinogens that can be produced by grilling.


Poaching is a gentle cooking method that involves cooking the chicken in a flavorful liquid, such as broth or wine. To poach chicken, place it in a saucepan or Dutch oven and add enough liquid to cover the chicken completely.

Bring the liquid to a simmer over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. Once the chicken is cooked, you can use the poaching liquid as a base for a delicious sauce or gravy.

One advantage of poaching chicken is that it keeps the meat moist and tender, as the low heat and liquid help to prevent it from drying out.

Poaching is also a versatile cooking method that allows you to add a variety of flavors to your chicken, such as herbs, spices, and vegetables.

Additionally, poaching is a healthy cooking method that doesn’t require any additional oil or fat, making it great for those who are watching their calorie intake.

Sous Vide

Sous vide is a cooking method that involves vacuum-sealing the chicken and cooking it in a water bath at a precise temperature. This method ensures that the chicken is cooked evenly and retains its moisture, resulting in a tender and juicy texture.

To cook chicken sous vide, season it with your favorite herbs and spices, then vacuum-seal it in a plastic bag. Preheat your sous vide machine to the desired temperature, then place the bag in the water bath and cook for 1-2 hours, depending on the thickness of the chicken.

One advantage of sous vide cooking is that it allows for precise temperature control, which ensures that the chicken is cooked perfectly every time.

Sous vide also requires minimal effort, as the chicken can be seasoned and sealed ahead of time, and then left to cook while you attend to other tasks.

Additionally, sous vide cooking is a healthy cooking method that doesn’t require any additional oil or fat, making it a great choice for those who are trying to eat healthier.

Marinades and Rubs

Marinades and rubs are a great way to add flavor to chicken and can be used with a variety of cooking methods. Marinades are typically liquid-based and can be used to infuse chicken with flavors such as garlic, ginger, and citrus. Rubs, on the other hand, are dry mixtures of herbs and spices that are rubbed onto the chicken before cooking..


Marinades are a liquid mixture of ingredients that chicken is soaked in before cooking. The marinade helps to infuse the chicken with flavor, as well as tenderize the meat.

To make a marinade, you can combine a variety of ingredients, such as vinegar, citrus juice, herbs, and spices. You can also add sweeteners like honey or brown sugar for balance.

Once you’ve mixed your marinade, simply place the chicken in a resealable plastic bag or container, pour the marinade over the chicken, and let it marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, up to several hours or overnight.

One of the benefits of using a marinade is that it allows you to experiment with different flavor combinations. Whether you prefer bold and spicy or sweet and tangy, there’s a marinade out there for every taste.

Another advantage is that marinades can help to tenderize tougher cuts of chicken, making them more enjoyable to eat. Additionally, marinating chicken is a low-effort cooking method that can be done in advance, which can save time and make meal prep easier.


Rubs are a dry mixture of ingredients that are applied directly to the surface of the chicken. Rubs typically consist of a combination of herbs, spices, and sometimes sugar or salt.

Rubs can be used on their own, or in combination with a marinade. To apply a rub, simply sprinkle it evenly over the chicken and rub it in, making sure to coat the chicken thoroughly. Let the chicken sit for a few minutes to allow the flavors to meld together before cooking.

One of the benefits of using a rub is that it creates a flavorful crust on the chicken, which adds texture and complexity to the dish.

Rubs are also versatile, as they can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences. Whether you prefer a spicy Cajun rub or a sweet and smoky BBQ rub, there’s a rub out there for every taste. Additionally, using a rub is a low-maintenance cooking method that doesn’t require any additional equipment or prep time.

Choosing the Right Cut

No matter what cooking method you choose, it is important to choose the right type of chicken. Here are some tips for selecting the best chicken for your recipe.

Whole Chicken

Cooking a whole chicken may seem intimidating, but it can actually be a great way to create a delicious and impressive meal. Roasting a whole chicken in the oven is a classic way to cook this versatile meat, and it’s a great way to feed a crowd.

When roasting a whole chicken, it’s important to ensure that the chicken is seasoned well, and that it’s cooked to the proper temperature to ensure safety.

Another way to cook a whole chicken is to use a slow cooker or instant pot. These methods can help to keep the meat moist and tender, while also infusing it with flavor.

Slow cooking a whole chicken is a low-effort cooking method that requires minimal preparation, making it a great option for busy weeknights.

Chicken Steaks

Chicken steaks are a great option for those who prefer a leaner cut of meat. These boneless, skinless chicken breasts are perfect for grilling, pan-searing, or baking in the oven.

Chicken steaks can be seasoned with a variety of spices and herbs, making them a versatile option that can be tailored to suit your taste preferences.

One way to prepare chicken steaks is to marinate them in a flavorful mixture of spices and herbs. This can help to add extra depth and complexity to the meat, while also keeping it moist and tender.

Another option is to coat the chicken steaks in a mixture of breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, and then bake them in the oven for a crispy, flavorful crust.


Grilled chicken is a popular and tasty dish, but it’s not the only way to cook chicken. Baking, poaching, and sous vide are all great alternatives that can yield equally delicious results.

Each method has its own advantages, whether it’s the hands-off nature of baking, the moist and tender texture of poaching, or the precise temperature control of sous vide. Experimenting with different cooking methods can help you discover new and exciting ways to enjoy this versatile protein.