
Yes, Pat Dry a Marinated Steak Before Grilling

Pat Dry a Marinated Steak Before Grilling

If you’re wondering whether to pat dry a marinated steak before grilling, the answer is yes. Removing excess moisture from the surface of the steak is important to achieve a good sear and crust.

When the surface is dry, it creates a Maillard reaction, which is responsible for the savory notes and brown color on the surface of the meat.

Before cooking, use a paper towel to pat the steak dry. This will help to remove excess marinade, which can cause flare-ups and burning on the grill. It also ensures that the steak cooks evenly and doesn’t steam or boil in its own juices.

Patting dry a marinated steak is particularly important when grilling on high heat. The intense heat can cause excess moisture to evaporate, which can lead to a tough and chewy texture. By removing the excess moisture, you can ensure that the steak retains its natural juices and stays tender and flavorful.

Why Patting Dry a Marinated Steak is Necessary

When it comes to grilling a marinated steak, patting it dry before cooking is an essential step that shouldn’t be skipped. Here’s why:

Excess Moisture: When you marinate a steak, it absorbs the liquid, and the excess moisture can prevent it from forming a good crust when it’s cooked. Patting it dry removes the excess moisture, allowing the steak to sear properly.

Flavor: Patting the steak dry also helps to concentrate the flavors of the marinade, giving the steak a more intense taste.

Tenderizing: When you pat the steak dry, it removes any excess marinade, which can actually have the opposite effect of tenderizing the meat. The acid in the marinade can break down the connective tissue, making the steak tough instead of tender.

Maillard Reaction: The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs when meat is cooked at high temperatures. It’s responsible for the savory notes and brown color that are characteristic of a perfectly grilled steak. Patting the steak dry before grilling helps to create the Maillard reaction, resulting in a more flavorful and visually appealing steak.

Food Safety: Finally, patting the steak dry before grilling is also important for food safety. Bacteria thrive in moist environments, so removing excess moisture from the steak reduces the risk of foodborne illness. Overall, patting a marinated steak dry before grilling is a crucial step that can make all the difference in the texture, flavor, and safety of your grilled steak. So, be sure to take the time to remove any excess moisture and enjoy a perfectly grilled steak every time.

How to Pat Dry a Marinated Steak

Patting dry a marinated steak before grilling is an essential step to achieve a perfectly seared and flavorful steak. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Remove the marinated steak from the liquid and place it on a cutting board.

Step 2: Take a few paper towels and pat the steak gently on both sides to remove any excess moisture. This will help the steak sear properly and develop a nice crust.

Step 3: If the steak is particularly wet, you can use a clean paper towel to gently press down on it to absorb any remaining liquid.

Step 4: Once the steak is dry, you can season it with salt, pepper, or any dry rub of your choice.

Step 5: Preheat your grill or stovetop to high heat. If you’re using a cast-iron skillet, place it over high heat until it starts to smoke.

Step 6: Place the steak on the cooking surface and let it sear on one side for a few minutes until it develops a nice char.

Step 7: Flip the steak and repeat the process on the other side.

Step 8: Once the steak is cooked to your desired internal temperature, remove it from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

Remember to always handle marinated meat with care and follow food safety guidelines to prevent any risk of contamination.

Patting dry a marinated steak is a simple yet crucial step that can make a big difference in the texture and flavor of your grilled steak. Try it out with your favorite steak recipes and enjoy the savory notes and natural juices that come with a perfectly cooked and well-rested steak.

Other Pre-Grilling Tips for a Perfect Steak

Before grilling your marinated steak, there are a few things you can do to ensure a perfect steak every time. Here are some tips:

  • Take the steak out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes before grilling. This will help it cook more evenly.
  • Pat the steak dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. This will help the steak sear and develop a nice crust.
  • Season the steak with a dry rub or spices before grilling. This will add extra flavor to the steak.
  • Brush the steak with olive oil before grilling. This will help prevent sticking and add flavor.
  • Use a sharp knife to slice the steak against the grain. This will help break down the connective tissue and make the steak more tender.

When it comes to marinating steak, keep in mind that acidic marinades can help tenderize the meat but can also toughen it if left for too long.

Aim for a marinade that has a balance of acid, oil, and spices. You can also try dry brining the steak by seasoning it with salt and letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours before grilling.

For the best sear, make sure your grill or stovetop cooking surface is hot before adding the steak. You can also use a cast-iron skillet for a great sear.

Let the steak cook undisturbed for a few minutes before flipping it over to develop the Maillard reaction, which gives the steak its savory notes and brown crust.

Remember to let your steak rest for a few minutes after grilling to allow the natural juices to redistribute. This will help keep the steak moist and tender. And always practice food safety by using a clean cutting board and cooking the steak to the proper internal temperature.

Whether you’re grilling a flank steak, skirt steak, ribeye, strip steak, filet mignon, hanger steak, or even a chuck steak, these tips will help you achieve a perfectly grilled steak every time.


When it comes to grilling marinated steak, the question of whether or not to pat it dry before cooking can be a bit confusing. After researching and analyzing various sources, it seems that the answer is not a straightforward one.

While some experts suggest that drying the steak before grilling can help achieve a better sear and prevent flare-ups, others argue that doing so can remove some of the flavorful marinade. Ultimately, the decision to pat dry your marinated steak before grilling is up to personal preference.

If you do choose to pat dry your steak, make sure to use a clean paper towel or cloth to avoid any contamination. Additionally, be sure to follow food safety guidelines when handling raw meat to prevent the risk of foodborne illness.

Overall, the most important thing is to cook your marinated steak to the appropriate temperature to ensure it is safe to eat. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak, and follow recommended cooking times and temperatures for the type of steak you are cooking.