
Grilling Steak: Should You Close the Lid?

Should You Close the Lid When Grilling Steak

As the weather warms up and grilling season approaches, many people start to think about how to make the perfect steak. One of the most debated topics when it comes to grilling steak is whether or not to close the lid.

Some people swear by keeping the lid closed, while others believe leaving it open is the way to go. So, which is it? Should you close the lid when grilling steak? Let’s explore the factors to consider.

Why Close the Lid?

Closing the lid while grilling steaks can have several benefits, including retaining heat and reducing flare-ups.

Retain Heat

When you close the lid on your grill, you create a convection oven effect. The heat circulates around the food, cooking it from all sides.

This is particularly useful when grilling thick steaks. By closing the lid, you can create a hot, dry environment that will cook your steak evenly and efficiently.

Another benefit of retaining heat is that it helps to keep your steak moist. When you cook a steak over direct heat, the juices in the meat can evaporate quickly, leaving you with a dry, tough steak.

By closing the lid and creating a hot, humid environment, you can help to keep the juices in the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and tender steak.

Reduce Flare-Ups

One of the biggest challenges of grilling steaks is managing flare-ups. When the fat from the steak drips onto the hot coals or burners, it can cause a flare-up that can quickly burn your steak.

Closing the lid can help to reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the coals or burners, which can reduce the intensity of the flare-ups.

Reducing flare-ups can also help to prevent charring on your steak. When a flare-up occurs, it can quickly burn the surface of the steak, leaving you with a bitter, charred flavor. By reducing flare-ups, you can help to achieve a perfectly seared crust without burning the surface of your steak.

Better Char

One of the main reasons to leave the lid closed when grilling steaks is to achieve better char. When you cook a steak over an open flame, the heat from the fire sears the outside of the steak and creates a delicious crust.

However, if you leave the lid open, you’re allowing the heat to escape, which can make it more difficult to achieve that perfect char.

By closing the lid, you’re trapping the heat inside the grill and creating a more even cooking environment. This means that the steak will cook more evenly on all sides, resulting in a beautiful crust on the outside and a juicy, tender center.

Additionally, closing the lid helps to lock in the natural juices of the steak, which can help to enhance its overall flavor and tenderness.

More Smoke Flavor

Another reason to leave the lid closed when grilling steaks is to achieve more smoke flavor. When you grill a steak over an open flame, you’re already getting some smoky flavor from the wood or charcoal that you’re using.

However, if you leave the lid open, you’re allowing that smoke to escape into the air, which means you’re not maximizing the flavor potential of your steak.

By closing the lid, you’re trapping the smoke inside the grill and allowing it to infuse into the meat. This means that your steak will have a more intense smoky flavor that is sure to impress.

Additionally, if you’re using wood chips to add even more smoke flavor to your steak, closing the lid is essential. The smoke from the chips needs to circulate around the meat, and leaving the lid open can hinder this process.

Other Benefits of Closing the Lid

In addition to achieving better char and more smoke flavor, there are other benefits to closing the lid when grilling steaks. For example:

  • Faster cooking time: Closing the lid helps to create a more even cooking environment, which can lead to faster cooking times.
  • More efficient use of fuel: When you leave the lid open, you’re allowing the heat to escape, which means you may need to use more fuel to maintain the desired temperature. Closing the lid can help you conserve fuel and save money in the long run.
  • Protection from the elements: If you’re grilling outside, leaving the lid open can leave your steak vulnerable to wind, rain, or other weather conditions. Closing the lid can help to protect your steak from the elements and ensure that it cooks evenly.

When to Leave the Lid Open

While there are many benefits to closing the lid when grilling steaks, there are also some situations where leaving the lid open may be appropriate. For example:

  • If you’re grilling a thin steak: Thin steaks cook quickly, and leaving the lid open can help to prevent them from overcooking.
  • If you’re using a gas grill: Gas grills often have a built-in lid thermometer, which can help you monitor the temperature of the grill without having to open the lid.
  • If you’re searing a steak: Searing a steak involves cooking it over high heat for a short amount of time to create a crust. Leaving the lid open can help to achieve this.

Tips for Grilling Steaks with the Lid Closed

Now that you know the benefits of leaving the lid closed when grilling steaks, here are some tips to help you get the best results:

  • Preheat the grill: Before you start cooking, make sure to preheat the grill with the lid closed. This will help to ensure that the grill is at the right temperature before you start cooking.
  • Use the right fuel: Whether you’re using charcoal or wood chips, make sure to choose high-quality fuel that will produce a consistent heat source.
  • Use a meat thermometer: To ensure that your steak is cooked to perfection, use a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature. This will help you avoid overcooking or undercooking your steak.
  • Let the steak rest: After you’ve finished cooking, let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing. This will allow the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak.

Factors to Consider

Type of Grill

The type of grill you have will play a significant role in whether you should close the lid when grilling steak. If you have a gas grill, it’s designed to be used with the lid closed.

The lid traps the heat inside the grill, which helps the food cook more evenly. It also helps to prevent flare-ups, which can occur when fat from the meat drips onto the burners.

On the other hand, if you have a charcoal grill, you have more flexibility when it comes to whether to close the lid. Closing the lid on a charcoal grill can help to create a convection effect, which circulates the hot air around the food and helps it cook more evenly.

However, if you’re cooking with indirect heat, you may not need to close the lid. Indirect heat means that you’re not cooking the steak directly over the flames, but rather on the cooler side of the grill. In this case, leaving the lid open can help to prevent the steak from getting too smoky.

Type of Steak

The type of steak you’re grilling will also play a role in whether to close the lid. If you’re cooking a thin steak, such as a flank or skirt steak, it’s best to leave the lid open. These steaks cook quickly, and closing the lid can cause them to overcook and dry out.

On the other hand, if you’re cooking a thicker steak, such as a ribeye or filet mignon, closing the lid can help to ensure that the steak cooks evenly and doesn’t dry out.

Desired Cooking Method

Finally, the cooking method you’re using will also influence whether to close the lid when grilling steak. If you’re cooking the steak using the direct heat method, where you cook the steak directly over the flames, it’s best to keep the lid closed. This helps to prevent flare-ups and ensures that the steak cooks evenly.

However, if you’re cooking the steak using the indirect heat method, where you cook the steak on the cooler side of the grill, leaving the lid open can help to prevent the steak from getting too smoky.


So, should you close the lid when grilling steak? The answer is: it depends. Closing the lid can help to retain heat and reduce flare-ups, while leaving it open can result in better char and more smoke flavor.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to the type of grill, type of steak, and desired cooking method. Experiment with both methods and see which works best for you and your taste preferences.

If you are still unsure, you can try a combination of both methods. For example, you can start by searing the steak with the lid open to get a good char, then close the lid to let it cook through. This can help to achieve the best of both worlds.

In summary, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether or not to close the lid when grilling steak. It all depends on the type of grill, type of steak, and desired cooking method. Experimentation is key, and with some trial and error, you can find the perfect grilling method to achieve the perfect steak.